When the workouts go from 20 to 45 minutes in length we consider them long workouts and try to get in about one of these each week. The effort level remains high but must be adjusted based on individual fitness in order to be able to complete the workout. Don’t go out too hard or you might not be able to finish.
100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats
Do each in turn finishing each before you start the next.
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
5 rounds for time, 3 min between each set
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes
Linda (aka 3-bars of death)
Clean ¾ BW
Bench Press BW
Deadlift 1.5 x BW
Rounds of 10-9-8…1 Continuous
5 Handstand Pushups
10 One legged Squats
15 Pushups
Max rounds in 20 minutes
400 Meter run
15 OHS (95)
5 rounds for time
Death to the Infidel
Run 400
30 Air Squat
15 Clean and Jerk (115)
10 Pullups
5 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time
Fractured Runny Angie
Run 400
25 Pullups
25 Pushups
25 Situps
25 Air Squats
4 rounds for Time
Hit and Run
6 DL + Tire Jump (190)
10 Hammer hits to tire
6 Power Cleans (135)
10 DB Thruster (35)
Run 40 yards between each exercise 3 rounds for time
Sucking Chest Wound
2 Side hops through big tire with burpees at each end (up and back twice)
10 - 2- hand KB Swing (52)
3 Squat Clean Thrusters (95)
10 Pullups
Latch’s Jacket O’ Pain (Slightly modified)
Row 1,000 meters
Push Press 100
Row 750 Push Press 75
Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 250 Push Press 25
Blast through once for time
Gene’s Cloak of Despair
Row 1,000/Run 800
25 Push Press (75)
25 Pullups
25 Ring Pushups Alternate row and run 4 rounds for time
Sweater of Discomfort
Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 400
Push Press 40
Row 300 Push
Press 30
Row 200 Push Press 20
Row 100 Push Press 10
Vest of Tribulation
Run 400 or Row 500
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 rounds for time
Sherpa Shuffle
Heavy back pack, tire drag, suitcase carry (I used 40 lb DB’s) 75 yards Leave tire and continue with back pack and suitcase carry 75 more yards Leave DB’s or whatever is in your hands and continue with the backpack Go 75 more yards, turn around and pick up implements as you go back to the start 20 lb DB Burpee Hops for 20 yards then sprint to Jennifer’s house and back (400 yards) Burpee Hops back to the start Uphill sandbag run for 75 yards – 15 pushups, 20 squats – run bag back to start 5 step ups with each leg onto tractor tire with bag on shoulders 20 squats to tractor tire with bag on shoulders Tire drag sprint to mail box (75 yards or so) 15 pushups with hands on tire, 15 squats with butt to tire, 15 overhead press with tire Backward tire drag run to start 5 KB swings (52), 10 tire jumps, 15 hammer hits to tire repeated 5 times 40 lb DB Farmer’s Walk 100 yards 75 lb overhead press walk 50 yards 40 lbs Waiter’s Walk +Farmer’s Carry 25 yards and switch for return 50 lb BFR Carry and or 80 lb Heavy bag carry Hex Bar DL walk 190 lbs 50 yards EZ run for 1 mile
Bloody Sunday
5 Log lifts then Tire Drag with 36 lbs added 5 BB Snatches (75) then Tire Flip x 5 5 Squat Clean (95) then Yoke Walk (145) 5 Deadlifts (230) then Farmer’s walk (85 lbs each hand) Do each lift then move the implement 50 yards down range. Leave the implement there, do 15 pushups, run 150 more yards and do 15 air squats then run back to the start and do the next pair of exercises. Do 2 rounds returning the equipment to the start the second time around.
Steaming Entrails
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing up)
30 Situps
20 GHD Wallball
10 Knees to Elbows
50 Jumping Dips
40 2-hand KB Swings (44)
30 Hollow Rock
20 Ab Roller
10 DB situp press (25)
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing down)
20 Back Extension
10 Leg Shooters on Ball
Blast through once for Time
Bar None
KB Thrusters
KB Colleen Burps and Jerks
KB Renegade Rows
Run 200 meters with one KB
KB Snatch 10 left 10 right
KB Clean and Jerk 10 left 10 right
KB Swings 10 left 10 right
Run 200 meters with one KB back to start
Scale KB accordingly but 36 pounders ought to be about right
3 Rounds for Time
Artifical Limp
Back Squat (135)
Box Jump
Row (Calories)
Box Jump
Deadlift (190)
Box Jump
DB Thruster (35)
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jump
Rounds of 12-10-8 for Time
Heavily Armed
Kettlebell Snatch (52) 5 left 5 right
Ring Pushups
Barbell Hang Power Clean
Ring Pushups
Barbell Push Press (95)
Ring Pushups
Ring Pushups
Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (2 x 44)
Ring Pushups
Rounds of 12-10-8 for Time
Rude Awakening
20 Snatches (44) 10 L/10 R
20 2-Hand Swings (44)
20 Clean and Jerks 10 L/10 R
10 Barbell Snatch (75)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Clean and Jerk (115)
5 Back Squat (BW)
5 Bench Press (BW + 15 lbs)
5 Deadlift (BW x 1.5)
2 rounds (That’s the Rude Awakening).
Collateral Damage
20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Row (Calories)
40 Jumping Pullups
10 KB Snatch (52)
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)
10 Barbell Clean & Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Box Jumps
40 Jumping Dips
10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (2 x 25)
30 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)
Blast though once for time
Just Shoot Me
Run 400 meters
The Bear
Full squat clean + Press
Lower weight behind the neck for a Back Squat + Push Press
From the overhead position in one continuous movement Thruster
Reps of 5-4-3-2 for this exercise
3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups
3 Barbell Press
5 Barbell Push Press
7 Barbell Push Jerk
4 rounds for time
Escape from Alcatraz
50 Hammer Hits
Drag tire with 36 lb KB 50 yards
Bring KB with you and run 150 more yards
25 Hot Potato Squats (Flip KB by handle hand to hand in rack position each squat)
25 DARC Swings
25 KB pop over pushups (one hand on tipped over KB, alt. over the top each pushup)
25 Snatches (Total)
25 Hollow Rock
25 Clean and Jerks (Total)
Run with KB back to the tire, put the KB in the tire, drag the tire back to the start
Row 500 meters
25 Ring Pushups
Climb up and over cargo net
10 Knees to elbows
15 Hollow rock
20 Situps
10 Heavy sandbag cleans with Box Jump after each
10 DB thrusters (Single 35 lb DB alternating hands at the top of each thruster)
10 45 lb barbell thrusters
25 Air Squats
Run 400
Once through for time
Sweating Buckets (Chris Stowe)
KB swings (52)
Box jump
Thrusters (95)
KB flip and dip (35)
Wall ball (20)
Weighted PU (BW+25lb)
Balboa (Chad McBroom)
100 Jump Rope
400 meter Run
10 Bodyblasters (Pushup, pull-up, rollup)
4 rounds for time
The 400
20 Calories Rowing
20 Wall Ball
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Pullups
20 Burpees
20 KB Snatches (44)
20 Box Jumps
20 Ring Dips
20 Ball Slams
20 Push Press (75)
2 rounds for time
The 500
50 Calories Rowing
50 Situps
50 Ball Squat Cleans (25)
50 Single KB Push Press (44)
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Tire Jumps
50 Jumping Dips
50 Hammer Hits
50 Parallette Hip Raises
50 Double Unders
“Annie Are You OK”
Row (Calories)
Dumbell Thrusters (25)
SDLHP (75)
Medicine Ball Clean (30)
Wall Ball (20)
Rounds of 21-15-9
Evil (Ian Carver)
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats
95 Lb Barbell for all exercises – as continuous as possible w/o setting bar down
5 Rounds for Time
Got Air?
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats
10 Pullups
Run 400
3 Rounds for Time
Double Ugly (Connie Morreale)
10 Turkish Get Up (30 lb bar)
20 Double Unders
30 Walking Overhead Lunges (30 lb bar)
40 Push-ups
30 KB Swings (44)
20 Floor Wipers )95)
10 Box Burpees
2 Rounds for Time
Dirty Thirty (Connie Morreale)
.30 mile run
30 Pulls on C2
30 Double Unders
30 KB Swings (44)
30 DB Push Press (35)
30 Box Jumps
30 Pulls on C2
30 Double Unders
30 Sit-ups
30 Back Extensions
30 Burpees
30 Pulls on C2
30 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges
5 Ton Hammer (Ian Carver)
5 Squat Cleans (135)
5 DB Deadlifts (100 Lb. per side)
5 Rounds for Time
Halo (Ian Carver)
10 Single Arm DB Press (55 lb DB 10 reps each arm)
10 Single arm DB Snatch
10 Single Arm DB Bench
10 Single Arm DB Swings
10 Medicine Ball Slams
10 Burpees
3 Rounds for time
Air Assault
Jump Rope 100
10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
Row 200
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Ball Slams (30)
Run 400
40 Air Squats
40 Situps
3 Rounds for Time
Ursa Major (Ian Carver)
5 Bear Complex (95 Lbs)
10 Bench Press (Bodyweight)
15 DB Deadlifts (90 Lb DB’s)
20 Floor Wipers
3 Rounds for Time
Hard (Ian Carver)
Box jump
Bench Press (body weight)
L pull ups
Thrusters (35 Lb DB)
Swings (55 Lb DB)
Ivan the Terrible (Ian Carver)
100 Rope Jumps
50 Lunges
50 Push ups
50 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
40 Lunges
40 Push ups
40 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
30 Lunges
30 Push ups
30 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
20 Lunges
20 Push ups
20 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
10 Lunges
10 Push ups
10 Sit ups
1 Round for Time
Pain Compliance (Ian Carver)
400 M Run
Push Press (95)
Single arm KB swing (36 pounds – # reps per side)
Single arm OH Squat (45 Pounds - # reps per side)
Boy Named Sue (Tim McFarland)
Push Press (95)
Squat Jump
Continuously running, clock starting on the minute. First minute is one rep, 2nd minute is two reps and so on.
Grenade (Ian Carver)
400 M Run
30 Bench Press (Bodyweight)
15 L-pull ups
3 Rounds for Time
Ataxia (Ian Carver)
25 Deadlifts (135)
25 Pull ups
20 Deadlifts (135)
25 Push Ups
15 Deadlifts (135)
25 Sit Ups
2 Rounds for Time:
Recovery (Leonid Soubbotine)
5 Pistols each leg
5 Swings
5 KB Push Press
5 Knees to Elbows
5 Box Jumps
5 Ring Pushups
5 Pullups
5 Rounds for Time
Get Up (Leonid Soubbotine)
30 overhead bb walking lunge
30 Turkish Get Ups (15 each side)
30 Man Makers (DB squat, pushup, renegade row, deadlift, repeat)
30 Hang power clean
30 wall ball
30 windmills (15+15)
30 pullups.
Man-up (Chad McBroom)
21 Ring Dips
9 KB Swings (36 lbs)
6 Renegade Man-Makers (20-lb DB)
15 Ring Dips
6 KB Swings (36 lbs)
12 Renegade Man-Makers (20-lb DB)
9 Ring Dips
3 KB Swings (36 lbs)
18 Renegade Man-Makers (20-lb DB)
1 Round for Time
Gorilla Grod (Tim McFarland)
10 Plyo Pushups (1 hand on medicine ball, alternating hands explosively each rep)
20 Gorilla Pullups (from the bottom position of a squat, explode to the bar and pullup)
30 Ball Slams (25)
20 Gorilla Pullups
10 Plyo Pushups
20 Gorilla Pullups
30 Ball Slams
20 Gorilla Pullups
10 Plyo Pushups
1 Round for Time
Bad Snake (Ian Carver)
100 Rope Jumps
21 Knee to elbows
50 Push ups
15 L-Pull ups
100 Rope Jumps
15 Knee to elbows
35 Push ups
12 L-Pull ups
100 Rope Jumps
12 Knee to elbows
20 Push ups
9 L-Pull ups
Le Grand Century
Row 250
25 2-hand swings with 44 lb KB
25 Hammer hits to tire with a 10 lb sledge
25 Pullups
25 Push Press with 75 lbs
4 rounds for time
Homer (Tim McFarland)
10 Pullups | 1 Box Jump | 1 Ring Pushup | 10 Box Jumps
9 Pullups | 2 Box Jumps | 2 Ring Pushups | 9 Box Jumps
8 Pullups | 3 Box Jumps | 3 Ring Pushups | 8 Box Jumps
…and so on.
The Big Dripper
Row 250
5 Deadlifts (230)/Box Jump (Deadlift then Box Jump each set)
10 Barbell Thrusters (95 lbs)
15 Burpee Pullups
20 Air Squats
25 Push Press (75)
50 KB Snatches (36 lbs) 25 right 25 left
100 Rope Jumps
2 Rounds for Time
Party with the Girls
Elizabeth – 400 m Run – 21 Squat Cleans (75) – 21 Ring Dips
Angie – 20 Pullups – 20 Pushups – 20 Situps – 20 Squats
Kelly – 400 m Run – 30 Box Jumps – 30 Wall Ball Shots
Fran – 21 Thrusters (75) – 21 Pullups
Helen – 400 m Run – 21 Swings (52) – 12 Pullups
Grace – 30 Clean and Jerks (75)
Change Up
Run 400
25 Air Squats
20 Jumping Pullups
15 2-Hand Swings (44)
10 Situps
Row 500
10 Air Squats
15 Jumping Pullups
20 2-Hand Swings
25 Situps
Run 400
20 Air Squats
10 Jumping Pullups
25 2-Hand Swings
15 Situps
Row 500
15 Air Squats
25 Jumping Pullups
10 2-Hand Swings
20 Situps
1 round for Time
20 Pieces of Angie
5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
20 Rounds for Time
Up the Down Staircase
5 Floor SPUDS
10 Burger Flips
20 Double Unders
30 Ring Pushups
40 Air Squats
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Flutter Kicks
30 Situps
20 Lunges
10 Under Overs
5 Squat – Tire Hops
Air Burst
5 BB Power Snatch (75)
10 Back Squat (135)
15 Push Press (85)
20 KB Snatch 10/10 (44)
25 Double Unders
50 Jumping Pullups
3 Rounds for Time
3 DB Squat Clean – Thruster (L – R – Both hands) (35)
6 Box Jumps
9 Pullups
12 Ring Pushups
15 Air Squats
18 KB Snatches 9/9 (44)
21 7-7-7 Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (85)
3 Rounds for time
100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats
Do each in turn finishing each before you start the next.
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
5 rounds for time, 3 min between each set
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes
Linda (aka 3-bars of death)
Clean ¾ BW
Bench Press BW
Deadlift 1.5 x BW
Rounds of 10-9-8…1 Continuous
5 Handstand Pushups
10 One legged Squats
15 Pushups
Max rounds in 20 minutes
400 Meter run
15 OHS (95)
5 rounds for time
Death to the Infidel
Run 400
30 Air Squat
15 Clean and Jerk (115)
10 Pullups
5 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time
Fractured Runny Angie
Run 400
25 Pullups
25 Pushups
25 Situps
25 Air Squats
4 rounds for Time
Hit and Run
6 DL + Tire Jump (190)
10 Hammer hits to tire
6 Power Cleans (135)
10 DB Thruster (35)
Run 40 yards between each exercise 3 rounds for time
Sucking Chest Wound
2 Side hops through big tire with burpees at each end (up and back twice)
10 - 2- hand KB Swing (52)
3 Squat Clean Thrusters (95)
10 Pullups
Latch’s Jacket O’ Pain (Slightly modified)
Row 1,000 meters
Push Press 100
Row 750 Push Press 75
Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 250 Push Press 25
Blast through once for time
Gene’s Cloak of Despair
Row 1,000/Run 800
25 Push Press (75)
25 Pullups
25 Ring Pushups Alternate row and run 4 rounds for time
Sweater of Discomfort
Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 400
Push Press 40
Row 300 Push
Press 30
Row 200 Push Press 20
Row 100 Push Press 10
Vest of Tribulation
Run 400 or Row 500
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 rounds for time
Sherpa Shuffle
Heavy back pack, tire drag, suitcase carry (I used 40 lb DB’s) 75 yards Leave tire and continue with back pack and suitcase carry 75 more yards Leave DB’s or whatever is in your hands and continue with the backpack Go 75 more yards, turn around and pick up implements as you go back to the start 20 lb DB Burpee Hops for 20 yards then sprint to Jennifer’s house and back (400 yards) Burpee Hops back to the start Uphill sandbag run for 75 yards – 15 pushups, 20 squats – run bag back to start 5 step ups with each leg onto tractor tire with bag on shoulders 20 squats to tractor tire with bag on shoulders Tire drag sprint to mail box (75 yards or so) 15 pushups with hands on tire, 15 squats with butt to tire, 15 overhead press with tire Backward tire drag run to start 5 KB swings (52), 10 tire jumps, 15 hammer hits to tire repeated 5 times 40 lb DB Farmer’s Walk 100 yards 75 lb overhead press walk 50 yards 40 lbs Waiter’s Walk +Farmer’s Carry 25 yards and switch for return 50 lb BFR Carry and or 80 lb Heavy bag carry Hex Bar DL walk 190 lbs 50 yards EZ run for 1 mile
Bloody Sunday
5 Log lifts then Tire Drag with 36 lbs added 5 BB Snatches (75) then Tire Flip x 5 5 Squat Clean (95) then Yoke Walk (145) 5 Deadlifts (230) then Farmer’s walk (85 lbs each hand) Do each lift then move the implement 50 yards down range. Leave the implement there, do 15 pushups, run 150 more yards and do 15 air squats then run back to the start and do the next pair of exercises. Do 2 rounds returning the equipment to the start the second time around.
Steaming Entrails
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing up)
30 Situps
20 GHD Wallball
10 Knees to Elbows
50 Jumping Dips
40 2-hand KB Swings (44)
30 Hollow Rock
20 Ab Roller
10 DB situp press (25)
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing down)
20 Back Extension
10 Leg Shooters on Ball
Blast through once for Time
Bar None
KB Thrusters
KB Colleen Burps and Jerks
KB Renegade Rows
Run 200 meters with one KB
KB Snatch 10 left 10 right
KB Clean and Jerk 10 left 10 right
KB Swings 10 left 10 right
Run 200 meters with one KB back to start
Scale KB accordingly but 36 pounders ought to be about right
3 Rounds for Time
Artifical Limp
Back Squat (135)
Box Jump
Row (Calories)
Box Jump
Deadlift (190)
Box Jump
DB Thruster (35)
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jump
Rounds of 12-10-8 for Time
Heavily Armed
Kettlebell Snatch (52) 5 left 5 right
Ring Pushups
Barbell Hang Power Clean
Ring Pushups
Barbell Push Press (95)
Ring Pushups
Ring Pushups
Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (2 x 44)
Ring Pushups
Rounds of 12-10-8 for Time
Rude Awakening
20 Snatches (44) 10 L/10 R
20 2-Hand Swings (44)
20 Clean and Jerks 10 L/10 R
10 Barbell Snatch (75)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Clean and Jerk (115)
5 Back Squat (BW)
5 Bench Press (BW + 15 lbs)
5 Deadlift (BW x 1.5)
2 rounds (That’s the Rude Awakening).
Collateral Damage
20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Row (Calories)
40 Jumping Pullups
10 KB Snatch (52)
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)
10 Barbell Clean & Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Box Jumps
40 Jumping Dips
10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (2 x 25)
30 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)
Blast though once for time
Just Shoot Me
Run 400 meters
The Bear
Full squat clean + Press
Lower weight behind the neck for a Back Squat + Push Press
From the overhead position in one continuous movement Thruster
Reps of 5-4-3-2 for this exercise
3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups
3 Barbell Press
5 Barbell Push Press
7 Barbell Push Jerk
4 rounds for time
Escape from Alcatraz
50 Hammer Hits
Drag tire with 36 lb KB 50 yards
Bring KB with you and run 150 more yards
25 Hot Potato Squats (Flip KB by handle hand to hand in rack position each squat)
25 DARC Swings
25 KB pop over pushups (one hand on tipped over KB, alt. over the top each pushup)
25 Snatches (Total)
25 Hollow Rock
25 Clean and Jerks (Total)
Run with KB back to the tire, put the KB in the tire, drag the tire back to the start
Row 500 meters
25 Ring Pushups
Climb up and over cargo net
10 Knees to elbows
15 Hollow rock
20 Situps
10 Heavy sandbag cleans with Box Jump after each
10 DB thrusters (Single 35 lb DB alternating hands at the top of each thruster)
10 45 lb barbell thrusters
25 Air Squats
Run 400
Once through for time
Sweating Buckets (Chris Stowe)
KB swings (52)
Box jump
Thrusters (95)
KB flip and dip (35)
Wall ball (20)
Weighted PU (BW+25lb)
Balboa (Chad McBroom)
100 Jump Rope
400 meter Run
10 Bodyblasters (Pushup, pull-up, rollup)
4 rounds for time
The 400
20 Calories Rowing
20 Wall Ball
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Pullups
20 Burpees
20 KB Snatches (44)
20 Box Jumps
20 Ring Dips
20 Ball Slams
20 Push Press (75)
2 rounds for time
The 500
50 Calories Rowing
50 Situps
50 Ball Squat Cleans (25)
50 Single KB Push Press (44)
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Tire Jumps
50 Jumping Dips
50 Hammer Hits
50 Parallette Hip Raises
50 Double Unders
“Annie Are You OK”
Row (Calories)
Dumbell Thrusters (25)
SDLHP (75)
Medicine Ball Clean (30)
Wall Ball (20)
Rounds of 21-15-9
Evil (Ian Carver)
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats
95 Lb Barbell for all exercises – as continuous as possible w/o setting bar down
5 Rounds for Time
Got Air?
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats
10 Pullups
Run 400
3 Rounds for Time
Double Ugly (Connie Morreale)
10 Turkish Get Up (30 lb bar)
20 Double Unders
30 Walking Overhead Lunges (30 lb bar)
40 Push-ups
30 KB Swings (44)
20 Floor Wipers )95)
10 Box Burpees
2 Rounds for Time
Dirty Thirty (Connie Morreale)
.30 mile run
30 Pulls on C2
30 Double Unders
30 KB Swings (44)
30 DB Push Press (35)
30 Box Jumps
30 Pulls on C2
30 Double Unders
30 Sit-ups
30 Back Extensions
30 Burpees
30 Pulls on C2
30 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges
5 Ton Hammer (Ian Carver)
5 Squat Cleans (135)
5 DB Deadlifts (100 Lb. per side)
5 Rounds for Time
Halo (Ian Carver)
10 Single Arm DB Press (55 lb DB 10 reps each arm)
10 Single arm DB Snatch
10 Single Arm DB Bench
10 Single Arm DB Swings
10 Medicine Ball Slams
10 Burpees
3 Rounds for time
Air Assault
Jump Rope 100
10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
Row 200
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Ball Slams (30)
Run 400
40 Air Squats
40 Situps
3 Rounds for Time
Ursa Major (Ian Carver)
5 Bear Complex (95 Lbs)
10 Bench Press (Bodyweight)
15 DB Deadlifts (90 Lb DB’s)
20 Floor Wipers
3 Rounds for Time
Hard (Ian Carver)
Box jump
Bench Press (body weight)
L pull ups
Thrusters (35 Lb DB)
Swings (55 Lb DB)
Ivan the Terrible (Ian Carver)
100 Rope Jumps
50 Lunges
50 Push ups
50 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
40 Lunges
40 Push ups
40 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
30 Lunges
30 Push ups
30 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
20 Lunges
20 Push ups
20 Sit ups
100 Rope Jumps
10 Lunges
10 Push ups
10 Sit ups
1 Round for Time
Pain Compliance (Ian Carver)
400 M Run
Push Press (95)
Single arm KB swing (36 pounds – # reps per side)
Single arm OH Squat (45 Pounds - # reps per side)
Boy Named Sue (Tim McFarland)
Push Press (95)
Squat Jump
Continuously running, clock starting on the minute. First minute is one rep, 2nd minute is two reps and so on.
Grenade (Ian Carver)
400 M Run
30 Bench Press (Bodyweight)
15 L-pull ups
3 Rounds for Time
Ataxia (Ian Carver)
25 Deadlifts (135)
25 Pull ups
20 Deadlifts (135)
25 Push Ups
15 Deadlifts (135)
25 Sit Ups
2 Rounds for Time:
Recovery (Leonid Soubbotine)
5 Pistols each leg
5 Swings
5 KB Push Press
5 Knees to Elbows
5 Box Jumps
5 Ring Pushups
5 Pullups
5 Rounds for Time
Get Up (Leonid Soubbotine)
30 overhead bb walking lunge
30 Turkish Get Ups (15 each side)
30 Man Makers (DB squat, pushup, renegade row, deadlift, repeat)
30 Hang power clean
30 wall ball
30 windmills (15+15)
30 pullups.
Man-up (Chad McBroom)
21 Ring Dips
9 KB Swings (36 lbs)
6 Renegade Man-Makers (20-lb DB)
15 Ring Dips
6 KB Swings (36 lbs)
12 Renegade Man-Makers (20-lb DB)
9 Ring Dips
3 KB Swings (36 lbs)
18 Renegade Man-Makers (20-lb DB)
1 Round for Time
Gorilla Grod (Tim McFarland)
10 Plyo Pushups (1 hand on medicine ball, alternating hands explosively each rep)
20 Gorilla Pullups (from the bottom position of a squat, explode to the bar and pullup)
30 Ball Slams (25)
20 Gorilla Pullups
10 Plyo Pushups
20 Gorilla Pullups
30 Ball Slams
20 Gorilla Pullups
10 Plyo Pushups
1 Round for Time
Bad Snake (Ian Carver)
100 Rope Jumps
21 Knee to elbows
50 Push ups
15 L-Pull ups
100 Rope Jumps
15 Knee to elbows
35 Push ups
12 L-Pull ups
100 Rope Jumps
12 Knee to elbows
20 Push ups
9 L-Pull ups
Le Grand Century
Row 250
25 2-hand swings with 44 lb KB
25 Hammer hits to tire with a 10 lb sledge
25 Pullups
25 Push Press with 75 lbs
4 rounds for time
Homer (Tim McFarland)
10 Pullups | 1 Box Jump | 1 Ring Pushup | 10 Box Jumps
9 Pullups | 2 Box Jumps | 2 Ring Pushups | 9 Box Jumps
8 Pullups | 3 Box Jumps | 3 Ring Pushups | 8 Box Jumps
…and so on.
The Big Dripper
Row 250
5 Deadlifts (230)/Box Jump (Deadlift then Box Jump each set)
10 Barbell Thrusters (95 lbs)
15 Burpee Pullups
20 Air Squats
25 Push Press (75)
50 KB Snatches (36 lbs) 25 right 25 left
100 Rope Jumps
2 Rounds for Time
Party with the Girls
Elizabeth – 400 m Run – 21 Squat Cleans (75) – 21 Ring Dips
Angie – 20 Pullups – 20 Pushups – 20 Situps – 20 Squats
Kelly – 400 m Run – 30 Box Jumps – 30 Wall Ball Shots
Fran – 21 Thrusters (75) – 21 Pullups
Helen – 400 m Run – 21 Swings (52) – 12 Pullups
Grace – 30 Clean and Jerks (75)
Change Up
Run 400
25 Air Squats
20 Jumping Pullups
15 2-Hand Swings (44)
10 Situps
Row 500
10 Air Squats
15 Jumping Pullups
20 2-Hand Swings
25 Situps
Run 400
20 Air Squats
10 Jumping Pullups
25 2-Hand Swings
15 Situps
Row 500
15 Air Squats
25 Jumping Pullups
10 2-Hand Swings
20 Situps
1 round for Time
20 Pieces of Angie
5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
20 Rounds for Time
Up the Down Staircase
5 Floor SPUDS
10 Burger Flips
20 Double Unders
30 Ring Pushups
40 Air Squats
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Flutter Kicks
30 Situps
20 Lunges
10 Under Overs
5 Squat – Tire Hops
Air Burst
5 BB Power Snatch (75)
10 Back Squat (135)
15 Push Press (85)
20 KB Snatch 10/10 (44)
25 Double Unders
50 Jumping Pullups
3 Rounds for Time
3 DB Squat Clean – Thruster (L – R – Both hands) (35)
6 Box Jumps
9 Pullups
12 Ring Pushups
15 Air Squats
18 KB Snatches 9/9 (44)
21 7-7-7 Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (85)
3 Rounds for time
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