Monday, March 26, 2007


Workouts that take from 10 to 20 minutes fit into the medium category. As the time component increases the intensity component is tempered a bit in order to be able to complete the workout. Still the objective is to have a fast time (while maintaining proper form) and you have to go hard to do that.


5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes


Deadlift (225)
Handstand Pushups
Rounds of 21-15-9


Clean 135
Ring Dips
Rounds of 21-15-9

Big Phat Helen

Run 800 (First run only, subsequent runs are 400)
21 2-hand KB Swings (52)
12 Pullups
5 Rounds for time


Snatch 135
30 Reps for Time


Row 1000 Meters
50 Barbell Thrusters (45)
30 Pullups
Once through for time


KB Snatch (44)
Ball Slams (40)
Wall Ball (20)
SDLHP (36 lb KB’s)
Rounds of 15-12-9


Row (Calories)
Thruster (35)
Push Press (75)
Rounds of 15-12-9


Barbell Clean and Jerk + Front Squat (115)
Ball Buster (40)
DB Burpee + Squat Clean + Thruster (35)
KB Flip and Dip (44)
Rounds of 10-8-6


SDLHP 2 x 36 lb KB
Ring Dips
Push Press (75)
Rounds of 15-12-9


Squat Clean + Thruster (44 lb KB)
Ball Slam (40)
Rounds of 15-12-9


Run 400
Thruster 2 x 25 lb DB
Ball Slams (30)
Rounds of 21-15-9

Sucking Chest Wound

Sideways tire hop in and out big tire, burpee on the far side return x 2, burpees each end
2-hand KB swing (52) x 10
Squat clean + Thruster x 3
Pullups x 10
5 rounds for time

A Nice Run Ruined

Run 400
21 KB Swings (52)
15 Ball slams (30)
9 Pullups

Run 400
21 KB Snatches (44)
15 Wall Ball (20)
9 Pullups

Run 400
21 DL (185)
15 Ring Dips
9 Pullups

Run 400
21 Push Press (75)
15 Power Cleans (115)
9 Pullups

Blurred Vision

Row (Calories)
Hang Power Snatch (75)
Wall Ball (20)
Ring Pushups
Push Press (85)
Rounds of 15-12-8

Big Phat Helen

800 meter run (1st run only) 400 meter run (each subsequent run)
21 Swings
12 Pullups
5 rounds for time


Barbell Thruster (75)
Pullups Cleans (115)
Ring Pushups


800 meter run
15 DB Thrusters (35)
15 Pullups
5 rounds for time

The 100

10 Back Squats (135)
10 Clean and Jerks (135)
10 Road Rage (30 lb slam balls)
10 Ring Dips
10 KB Swings (52)
10 Colleen and Jerk (35 lb DB) 1
0 Wall Ball (20 lbs) 10 Pullups
10 Flip and Dip (44)
10 DL (190) + Box Jump

The 200

10 Dead lifts (190)
10 Box Jumps
10 Ring Dips
10 Pullups
10 KB Swings (52)
10 Ball Slams (30)
10 DB Thrusters
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 2-Hand KB Push Press (44)
10 KB Snatches 5/5 (52)
2 rounds for time

The 300

25 Pullups
50 Tire Jumps (or box jumps)
50 Ring Pushups
50 Situps
50 KB Snatches 25/25 (44)
50 Ball Slams (30)
25 Pullups
Blaze through once for time

Five and Dime

5 BB Clean and Jerk
10 Pullups
5 Box Jumps
10 KB Swings
5 Ring Dips
5 rounds for time


800 meter run
15 DB Thrusters (35)
15 Pullups
5 rounds for time

Strung out – Backwards – Upside Down Fran

Run 800 – 600 – 400
Thrusters and Pullups after each Run

Do Me With a Wire Brush

Row 1,000 or Run 800
21 DB Thrusters (36)
21 Ball Slams (30)
21 Tire/Box Jumps

Row 500 or Run 400
15 Wall Ball
15 KB Snatch (44)
15 Ring Pushups

Row 250 or Run 200
9 2-hand KB Push Press (44)
9 Barbell Power Cleans (135)
9 2-hand KB Clean and Jerk (44)

Kill Bob

Ring Pushups
Box Jumps
Clean and Jerk (95)
Ball Slams (30)

Ninja’s Mile

Run 400
21 KB Swings (52)
21 SDLHP (75)
21 KB Push Press (36)

Run 400
15 KB Snatches each hand (44)
15 Ring Dips

Run 400
9 Deadlift/box jump (190)
9 Rage ball with burpee (40)
9 Double KB clean and jerk (44)

Run 400

Kelsie’s Naptime

10 Deadlift (190)
15 Box Jumps
20 Air Squats
10 Power Cleans (115)
15 Pullups
200 Row
3 rounds for time

Little Runny Angie

Run 400 + 50 Squats
Run 400 + 50 Pushups
Run 400 + 50 Situps
Run 400 + 50 Pullups
Blast through once for time

Dirty Name

Row 1000
50 45 lb barbell thrusters
40 30 lb Ball Slams 3
0 pullups
20 75 lb Push Press
10 115 lb Power Cleans
Blast through once for time and commune with Pukie

Hearts on Fire

20 OHS with 20 lb
20 2-Hand Swings (52)
Tire Drag with 36 lb added 50 yards Step out of harness and do 15 air squats
Continue same direction 150 more yards do 15 pushups
Run back to Tire and drag it backwards to the start
3 Rounds for Time

Air Sick Bag

25 Air Squats
20 Calories Rowing
15 Wall Ball (20)
10 Box Jumps
3 Rounds for Time

Iron Lung

20 Air Squats and Jump (5 squats + Jump 4 times)
15 Ring Pushups
10 Pullups
5 Burpee/Tire Jumps

Babylon 5

5 DL/Box Jump (230)
5 Squat Clean/Thrusters (115)
5 Rage Ball/Tire Jump (30)
5 KB Clean and Jerk (2 x 52)
5 Barbell Snatch (75)
5 Rounds for Time

Sensory Deprivation

Row 500/Run 400 Rotate each set
Hang Squat Clean (115)
Push Press (95)
Repeat 4 times rotating reps of 12-10-8-6

Chum bucket

Row (Calories)
Wall Ball (20)
Barbell Hang Power Snatch (65)
Ball Slams (30)
Rounds of 21-15-9

Fight Gone Bad

Row (Calories)
Wall Ball (20)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75)
Box Jump
Push Press (75)

Fight Got Worse

Row (Calories)
DB Thrusters (2 x 25)
Ring Pushups
KB Snatch (44)
Air Squats

Continuously Running clock, change exercises every minute, max reps at each station for 3 rounds. Tally score for each round and add rounds together for total score.

Lactate Pursuit

Tabata Squats
Tabata Ring Pushups
Tabata KB Snatch (44)
Tabata Tire Jump

4 sets (rather than 8) repeated twice with the 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off carried through for both sets. No extra rest between sets.

Hearts on Fire

20 OHS with 20 lb
20 2-Hand Swings (52)
Tire Drag with 36 lb added 50 yards
Step out of harness and do 15 air squats
Continue same direction 150 more yards do 15 pushups
Run back to Tire and drag it backwards to the start
3 Rounds for Time

Seppuku (Ian Carver)
10 L-pull ups 10 Ring push-ups 10 Knee to Elbows
10 rounds for time

Brussel Sprouts (Connie Morreale)

200 meter run
100 meter walking lunges
50 sit-ups
25 pull-ups
25 push-ups
50 back extensions
100 walking lunges
200 meter run

Molon Labe (Come and get them) (Franklin Shogie)
20 Burpees
400m sprint
20 30lb Dirtbag Thrusters
25 Squats
10 Pullups
20 Walking Lunges
3 rounds for time

Iron Legs (Jerry Berg)

100m sprint
50m walking lunges w/ 70lbs
25 pushups
5 rounds for time

You Want Fries with That?

5 Landmine Snatch – Press – OHS (45)
10 Floor Wiper with press in between each left/right rep (95 lb log)
5 Snatch – Catch – Thruster (Snatch and release handle catch bell overhead) (44)
10 Dbl. DB DL – Power Clean – Thruster reps of 4-3-3/3-4-3/3-3-4 (35)
5 Bear Complex (95 lb barbell)
3 rounds for time

The idea is some guy comes to the drive through and makes a huge complicated order and the crackly teenager’s voice always asks, “You want fries with that?” This workout uses 5 different implements for each of the 5 exercises and you can feel free to change what you are lifting based on what you have available.

Double Ugly (Connie Morreale)

10 TGU (30 lb bar)
20 Double Unders
30 Walking OH Lunges (30 lb bar)
40 Pushups 30 KB swings (44 lb)
20 Floor Wipers (95)
10 Burpee Box Jumps
2 Rounds for Time

The Nail in my Coffin (Ian Carver)
20 Squats (135)
9 DB Shoulder Press (45)
15 L-Pull Ups
10 Dips
15 Squats
15 Press
12 L-Pull Ups
12 Dips
10 Squats
21 Press
10 L-Pull Ups
15 Dips
1 Round for Time

Garbage ( Bryan Gollhofer)
500m Row
10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Box Jumps
10 OHS (75)
20 Kettlebell swings (52)
20 Push Presses (75)
20 Sit Ups
20 Supermans
3 Rounds for Time


Cone Sprint with band
100 lb log clean + 2 presses
Sledgehammer hits to big tire
Tire flips
Tire drag (weighted to 88 lbs)
Rage Box

1 minute rounds with 10 seconds to switch stations
1 minute off after all 6 stations are completed
Max reps/distance for each round
3 rounds

Partial Angie Ascending

Run 400
Run 400

After the run do each of the exercises once, then twice then 3 times and so on until you get to 10. If you go through once like that you will have done 55 reps of each exercise. If you go back down the ladder (without repeating the 10) you will have done all 100 reps.

20 Pieces of Angie

5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
20 rounds for time

Glen’s Dream

Row 500
10 Axel (thick bar) Push Press (95)
10 DL + Box Jump (190)
10 Ring Pushups
20 Air Squats
3 Rounds for Time


Row 250
5 2-hand Squat Clean/Thruster (2-36 lbs KB)
10 Push Press (95)
20 Alternating Anchored Snatches ( 2-36 lb KB)
10 Burpee – Jump in then out of big tire and repeat
3 Rounds for Time


Row (Calories)
Push Press 75
Ring Pushups
KB Snatch (36)

Set up a timer for 3 minutes on and a 1 minute rest. Do as many reps or calories as you can in the allotted 3 minutes. You can rest and put down the equipment as needed but you only get 3 minutes for your reps and 1 minute to change stations. Once through for a total which for me was very similar to my FGB score.


25 Double Unders
10 Squat Clean Thruster Slam (Rage Ball)30 lb ball
25 Box Jumps
10 Squat Clean Thruster 2 x 25 lb dumbbells
25 2-hand Swings (52)
10 Hang Squat Clean Thruster 75 lb barbell
3 Rounds for Time

The Second Renaissance

5 Deadlift (230)
10 Box Jumps
5 Push Jerk (125)
10 Pullups
5 Power Clean 125
10 Ring Dips
3 Rounds for Time


Floor Wipers
Ball Pass V-Sits
Back Extensions
Knees to Elbows
Ab Roller


4 Bear Complex (Squat Clean – Press – Back Squat – Thruster)
4 Clean and Jerk (125)
4 Burpee-DL-BJ (190)

Turkish Bath

Swing – Squat Clean – Thruster – Snatch (36)
Turkish Get Up
5 Box Jumps
5 Burpees
5 Rounds

Stick Time

10 Power Snatch – OHS
10 Walking Overhead Lunges
10 Squat Snatches
10 Power Clean – Push Jerk
Run 400
4 Rounds for Time


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